My journey with M.E. & Feeling Unwell
In June 1987 my son, my friend and I all got ‘flu’. After a week in bed we visited G.P.s to be told that it was a virus. It took my son (who was 3 at the time) and friend 3 months to recover, I was still ill.
A month later my G.P. agreed I was suffering with Post Viral Syndrome or M.E. I was virtually house bound for months. In April 1988 I started to make an improvement. I could climb 3 steps at a time instead of going upstairs sitting on my bottom – I could wash my own hair again – I could concentrate to chat to people ar watch T.V. for a short while. Although my digestive system continued causing me all sorts of problems, my G.P. could only lamely apologise that he couldn’t help me, because as he said, “At this date in time we know very little about viruses”. In October 1990 a fellow M.E. sufferer told of her recovery with the help of a Naturopath, she explained they don’t look at the illness, they look at how your body is coping with an illness. I felt very encouraged that the Naturopath should be able to help me with at least some of my symptoms – the aching joints, digestive problems, poor circulation – I always had desperately cold hands and feet. It took me months on a waiting list before receiving my first appointment.
My first appointment with a Naturopath Atul Shah took almost 2 hours. I left exhausted but full of hope for improvement. It was explained to me that my body was so chronically fatigued that I didn’t have enough energy to even digest my food. I was given a daily diet to follow, with days I could see results. I was given a programme of exercise which I initially found very painful to carry out but with a prior warning discomfort and support over the telephone I worked through the pain, believing things would improve for me – they did. Within a few weeks I could walk a quarter of a mile – incredible. My family were thrilled with the results, my husband felt I was making such a recovery following my new regime, maybe he and our son would benefit too. They came for walks with me and shared my vegetarian diet and also felt benefits. The Naturopath gave me allsorts of treatments to cope with the many symptoms my body presented. It was truly wonderful to have control of my health again. Naturopathy or Nature Cure is now a way of life for me and my family. Recently I got flu. I spent 3 days following a no food, rest and hydrotherapy regime and on the fourth day I was bale to return to work unlike my colleagues who were taking a week off work and still returning under par.
Naturopathy gives you the insight to listen to your body, if you the follow a Nature Cure regime you give your body the opportunity to heal itself.