When I first came to see Atul 18 months ago, I was exhausted, had back trouble which made walking difficult, and was having difficulty digesting food. Now a have a lot more energy, no back pain and can see an improvement in my digestive problems. I am also a lot fitter. Atul has helped my by offering simple practical and cheap solutions, and a lot of support. Most of all, Atul appreciated that I was tired because as a mother for 23 years I had been working very hard – something I and those around me failed to appreciate or acknowledge. This realization helped me to take care of myself much better and to ask for the time to rest, go for walks and eat properly.
When incidental health problems have arisen (e.g. inflamed varicose veins) Atul has been able to help immediately with simple solutions which have worked quickly.
18 months ago I saw life as exhausting and hard to cope with. Now I don’t give it a second thought, I do have the energy to cope.