Back Pain / Energy

Having sustained injuries from a fall down a mountain, it was recommended by a relative that I should go and see Atul Shah. After 16 months of being told by my practice doctor that it would take time for the aches and pains and injuries to heal, keep taking the tablets (pain killers by the 100’s!) and if I went on the physiotherapy list it would be two years before I was seen and I would be better by then! I took the advice and made an appointment to see Atul on 1st November 2000.

I could not bend to put my shoes or tights on, twist to do up my seat belt, brush my hair, dry myself after a shower and the nights were long with lack of sleep from the discomfort. Nor could I follow my hobbies of swimming, badminton, walking, darts or attending the gym. I mostly sat or hobbled about. I gained 2 stone in weight!

I was ‘semi-vegetarian’ but Atul put me on a whole food diet cutting out caffeine and processed goods. He gave me some exercises to do daily together with body rubs and compresses and lots of advice and encouragement. After one week, the vague headaches had gone, after a month the aches and pains were less, six months later I was stone lighter and could swim and walk and now twenty months further on I am back to normal, two stone lighter doing everything and more than I did before my accident….thanks to Atul Shah.

Mrs K. C
E. Yorks